
Statuut van het Vestigingsfonds van de Raad van Europa

Geldig van 16 april 1956 tot 8 augustus 1978
Geldig van 16 april 1956 tot 8 augustus 1978

Statuut van het Vestigingsfonds van de Raad van Europa


[Regeling treedt in werking op 08-08-1978]

Articles of Agreement of the Council of Europe Resettlement Fund

Article I. Establishment of the Fund [Nog niet in werking]

A Council of Europe Resettlement Fund (hereinafter called “the Fund”) shall be established.

The Fund shall be attached to the Council of Europe and administered under its supreme authority.

Article II. Purpose [Nog niet in werking]

The purpose of the Fund is to help in solving the problems with which European countries are or may be faced as a result of the presence of surplus elements of population, including national refugees, by providing or guaranteeing loans to finance:

  1. (a)

    absorption programmes approved by a Member of the Fund in accordance with Article VI of the present Articles of Agreement, designed to create new opportunities of employment for such persons;

  2. (b)

    resettlement programmes approved by a Member of the Fund providing for loans to or expenditure for the benefit of persons residing in Europe who seek resettlement in a European or extra-European country and who shall undertake to repay the amount of such loans or expenditure insofar as they are financed by the Fund.

Article III. Membership [Nog niet in werking]

Article IV. Obligations of members [Nog niet in werking]

Article V. Contributions and borrowing operations [Nog niet in werking]

Article VI. General provisions relating to loans and guarantees [Nog niet in werking]

Article VII. Investments [Nog niet in werking]

Article VIII. Organisation, administration and supervision of the Fund [Nog niet in werking]

Article IX. Governing Body [Nog niet in werking]

Article X. Administrative Council [Nog niet in werking]

Article XI. Governor [Nog niet in werking]

Article XII. Auditing Board [Nog niet in werking]

Article XIII. Headquarters [Nog niet in werking]

Article XIV. Suspension of operations and liquidation of the Fund [Nog niet in werking]

Article XV. Final clauses [Nog niet in werking]

APPENDIX Scale of contributions to the “Council of Europe Resettlement Fund” on the basis of 10,000,000 dollars

RESOLUTION (56) 9. concerning adoption of the Articles of Agreement of the Council of Europe Resettlement Fund for National Refugees and Over-population in Europe

RESOLUTION (56) 8. defining the functions of the Council of Europe Special Representative for National Refugees and Over-population in Europe


Article I [Nog niet in werking]

Article II [Nog niet in werking]

Article III [Nog niet in werking]

Article IV [Nog niet in werking]

RESOLUTION (56) 10. concerning recourse to courts of law in the event of legal action against the Council of Europe Resettlement Fund for National Refugees and Over-population in Europe

Statuut van het Vestigingsfonds van de Raad van Europa

Artikel I. Oprichting van het Fonds [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel II. Doel [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel III. Lidmaatschap [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel IV. Verplichtingen der Leden [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel V. Bijdragen en leningen [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel VI. Algemene bepalingen met betrekking tot leningen en waarborgen [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel VII. Beleggingen [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel VIII. Organisatie, bestuur en toezicht [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel IX. Het College van Bewindvoerders [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel X. Raad van Bestuur [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel XI. De President [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel XII. Controlecommissie [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel XIII. Zetel [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel XIV. Schorsing van de werkzaamheden en liquidatie van het Fonds [Nog niet in werking]

Artikel XV. Slotbepalingen [Nog niet in werking]

BIJLAGE Schaal van bijdragen aan het „Vestigingsfonds van de Raad van Europa” op basis van 10.000.000 dollars