
Verdrag inzake de overbrenging van gevonniste personen

Geldig vanaf 1 januari 1988
Geldig vanaf 1 januari 1988

Verdrag inzake de overbrenging van gevonniste personen


[Tekst geldig vanaf 01-01-1988]

Convention on the transfer of sentenced persons


The member States of the Council of Europe and the other States, signatory hereto,

Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater unity between its Members;

Desirous of further developing international co-operation in the field of criminal law;

Considering that such co-operation should further the ends of justice and the social rehabilitation of sentenced persons;

Considering that these objectives require that foreigners who are deprived of their liberty as a result of their commission of a criminal offence should be given the opportunity to serve their sentences within their own society; and

Considering that this aim can best be achieved by having them transferred to their own countries,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1. Definitions

For the purposes of this Convention:

  1. "sentence" means any punishment or measure involving deprivation of liberty ordered by a court for a limited or unlimited period of time on account of a criminal offence;

  2. "judgment" means a decision or order of a court imposing a sentence;

  3. "sentencing State" means the State in which the sentence was imposed on the person who may be, or has been, transferred;

  4. "administering State" means the State to which the sentenced person may be, or has been, transferred in order to serve his sentence.

Article 2. General principles

Article 3. Conditions for transfer

Article 4. Obligation to furnish information

Article 5. Requests and replies

Article 6. Supporting documents

Article 7. Consent and its verification

Article 8. Effect of transfer for sentencing State

Article 9. Effect of transfer for administering State

Article 10. Continued enforcement

Article 11. Conversion of sentence

Article 12. Pardon, amnesty, commutation

Article 13. Review of judgment

Article 14. Termination of enforcement

Article 15. Information on enforcement

Article 16. Transit

Article 17. Languages and costs

Article 18. Signature and entry into force

Article 19. Accession by non-member States

Article 20. Territorial application

Article 21. Temporal application

Article 22. Relationship to other Conventions and Agreements

Article 23. Friendly settlement

Article 24. Denunciation

Article 25. Notifications

Verdrag inzake de overbrenging van gevonniste personen


Artikel 1. Begripsomschrijvingen

Artikel 2. Algemene beginselen

Artikel 3. Voorwaarden voor overbrenging

Artikel 4. Verplichting tot het verstrekken van inlichtingen

Artikel 5. Verzoeken en antwoorden

Artikel 6. Stukken ter ondersteuning

Artikel 7. Instemming en Verificatie

Artikel 8. Gevolgen van de overbrenging voor de Staat van veroordeling

Artikel 9. Gevolgen van de overbrenging voor de Staat van tenuitvoerlegging

Artikel 10. Voortgezette tenuitvoerlegging

Artikel 11. Omzetting van de veroordeling

Artikel 12. Gratie, amnestie, strafvermindering

Artikel 13. Herziening van het vonnis

Artikel 14. Beëindiging van de tenuitvoerlegging

Artikel 15. Bericht inzake tenuitvoerlegging

Artikel 16. Doortocht

Artikel 17. Talen en kosten

Artikel 18. Ondertekening en inwerkingtreding

Artikel 19. Toetreding door niet-Lid-Staten

Artikel 20. Territoriale toepassing

Artikel 21. Toepassing naar tijdstip

Artikel 22. Verhouding tot andere Verdragen en Overeenkomsten

Artikel 23. Minnelijke schikking

Artikel 24. Opzegging

Artikel 25. Kennisgevingen